.565.viv.Jan 19, 2023☽ sponsors ☾pose - omy - millie pose set - @ anthem until jan 30top and short - bonnie - jae outfit - @ anthem until jan 30necklace - archivefaction - core necklace - @ access until feb 8earrings - swallow - earrings dropped d04 - @ access until feb 8hair - wasabi - caramel - @ access until feb 8garter - lunar - dawn gartershead - lelutka - raven evox 3.1body - ebody - reborn☽ credits ☾neck tattoo - nuuna - the eyezleg tattoos - bolson - marikahorns - hazel - pastel demon horns choker - verboten - nixath choker
☽ sponsors ☾pose - omy - millie pose set - @ anthem until jan 30top and short - bonnie - jae outfit - @ anthem until jan 30necklace - archivefaction - core necklace - @ access until feb 8earrings - swallow - earrings dropped d04 - @ access until feb 8hair - wasabi - caramel - @ access until feb 8garter - lunar - dawn gartershead - lelutka - raven evox 3.1body - ebody - reborn☽ credits ☾neck tattoo - nuuna - the eyezleg tattoos - bolson - marikahorns - hazel - pastel demon horns choker - verboten - nixath choker
.870☽ sponsors ☾ top - reed - hailey sweatshit + top - @ anthem until march 31 nails - polar bunny - vesper dyed fingers - @ anthem until...
.869☽ sponsors ☾ top - yalla - amora top - @ access until march 8 choker - emotional circus - crimson bite - @ access until march 8...
.868☽ sponsors ☾ lipstick - top1salon - hd redemption lipstick - @ equal10 until march 5 top - palette - paisley top - @ equal10 until...